There is lots of hype on the 5G network, is it a Friend or a Foe?
Well, it depends. If you are motivated and you are consistently upgrading yourself to be better, faster, and innovating, well, the 5G network could be your friend. But if you are going to use 5G to watch movies online, play online games, then not so.
It all voice down to are you using it for Income Producing Activities or Income Reducing Activities. The technology has been used in construction; one worker controls 17 trucks another worker control more than 10 cranes if you are that worker, you have the job but you did not benefit that much from the technology. However, if you are the owner or shareholders of the company, you benefit greatly from it. There will indeed be an upfront fee on the setup cost, but in the long run, you save cost from workers and it reduce the risk of workers unable to work, and your project gets delay.
The 5G technology comes in handy during this Covid19 Pandemic to help bosses who are ready and have the finances to implement it, but to those who aren’t ready or worker who is not in the job, this can be a living nightmare. The age of Machines and Robots are here, do you have whatever it takes to manage that?
Rather than complain about it or pray that the inevitable employment challenge, take charge of your life, look for freelance work, upload your resume to reputable job search network and start to think Global. With 5G around the corner, the competition is no longer within the country you resides, its a World level playing field. You are competing with the Best in the World, you need not be the best but be good enough for your client.
You should equip yourself with an additional skillset, preferably something that doesn’t take too much of your time, something like 30minutes a day and get you to start earning on the side. If you have not considered investment, you might want to consider picking up Forex Trading. A simple explanation can answer all the resistance we are trading currency in Forex Trading, currency always has a value as it is a medium for us to buy our daily necessity, best of all it doesn’t require any capital for you to start practising your trading strategy and now you can start learning it for free
Set aside a day to learn it, ask lots of questions in our chatroom and set aside 30mins a day to practice it.
Be ahead of the change.